Wise Women Chat Group

women unity

Affectionately called the “Tuesday Night Chat Club” this informal monthly gathering will be held online on the 1st Tuesday of the month. In celebtration and recognition of the Wise Women we are becoming we will come together to share, support and nurture each of us in our journeys pre, peri and post menopause.

This is a way to get the conversation happening to lift the myth and negativity about Menopause and womanhood. Here we have a safe and nurturing space to share our stories of life before, during and after menopause. It will be an informal, welcoming and respectful place with relevant knowledge holders joining us from time to time to share some light on this relatively unknown topic.

Please note this is a group sharing experience and individual consultations can be arranged where needed. And while our conversations may drift to subjects outside menopause, we will always stay in our lane and come back to topic.

Further, this is a place where women from many different lands and cultures can be seen and heard in their journey. At no point will disrespect or abuse of any form be tolerated so you can feel at ease knowing your story is important to the success of this gathering.
This offering is online only. A video link will be sent to you once you have registered your interest.

This is a no cost gathering.
In person chat togethers are planned for the near future. Register your interest today to come along.

Dates and location will be advised in the near future.

Join The Group

To be included in the next “Wise Women Chat Together” please register your interest by clicking the REGISTER INTEREST button.